Centre for the Integration and Analysis of Medical Data 

One of the CHUM’s core facilities, the Centre for the Integration and Analysis of Medical Data (CITADEL) consists of a centre of expertise in data science and a data lake infrastructure that stores the clinical, administrative and research data of the Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM). 

The CITADEL’s mission is to promote data science innovation in the field of health. CITADEL organizes and analyzes clinical and administrative and research data. It also optimizes the management of certain hospital activities. 

CITADEL is made up of a team of highly qualified experts: data architects, data scientists, bioinformaticians, biostatisticians, doctors and other experts to support you in your research projects, especially those requiring access to, and analysis of, health data. All the work done at CITADEL is conducted within the regulatory framework of the Act Respecting Health Services and Social Services. Any request whose scope exceeds the purview of this Act is not accepted by CITADEL and is referred to Quebec’s Access to Information Commission

CITADEL adheres to the American Statistical Association's Code of Ethics for Statistical Practice (access here).

20.6 million episodes of cares

More than 30 integrated information systems

3.7 million patient records

Participated in over 450 projects

135 users of research data and 1414 active REDCAP users